Home / Event / The 3rd HanTang Classic Chinese Medicine Forum, 2019 in Taipei

The 3rd HanTang Classic Chinese Medicine Forum, 2019 in Taipei

The 3rd HanTang Classic Chinese Medicine Forum, 2019 in Taipei

In commemoration of the 7th year anniversary since our dear teacher Ni, Haixia departed,  the third Taipei Hantang Forum will be held in Taipei, to carry forward the wisdom of Classic Chinese Medicine which Teacher Ni had devoted all his life to. Senior apprentices of Dr. Ni will be invited to be the guest speakers sharing their clinic experience with the audience.

Event: The 3rd HanTang Classic Chinese Medicine Forum, 2019 in Taipei

When: July 7th, 2019 @ 9:20-18:00 (a 80-minute lunch break)
* Attendants, please arrive by 9:00 am. No meals will be provided. No food or drinks in lecture room please.

Where:National Taipei University – Ming-shen campus, Teaching Buidling Rm#101, 67, Sec. 3, Ming-shen E. Rd., Taipei, 10478 Taiwan

How to get there (public transportation):
a. 捷運「文湖線」的「中山國中」站出站後右轉步行約6-10分鐘
b. Bus: Line 286, 277, 518 get off at National Taipei University stop

Online registration:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmPY-KkrkKIfO9itCtQmt-xyKK2H2OTUkVUgesfHKflX28gA/viewform?fbclid=IwAR3-qILIOwuwVt0RrMyCEpqigTpEzkJIGGPi_8vrPXFC0Icei7BvgBQ3g2c

HanTang Classroom 漢唐經方學堂 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/NiHT100/
