The 2016 6th International Forum of Classic Chinese Medicine is one of the biggest events in Tradition Chinese Medicine field. It was a great success last year. This year, Dr. Lee was invited again to be one of the few faculty members and guest speakers, sharing his in-depth understanding of Classic Chinese Medicine and his clinic cases with the broad audience. We are looking forward to seeing old and new faces this year in Guangzhou!
As all the events will be presented in Chinese Mandarin, for how to register this event, please refer to the information listed under Chinese language here.
Event: 2016 6th International Forum of Classic Chinese Medicine
Date: 11/13~11/15/2016 (registration is required ahead of time)
Location: 广州中医药大学第一附属医院
Featured Speakers: 唐祖宣国医大师、王庆国教授、丘和明教授、刘力红教授、冯世伦教授、黄家诏教授、冯学功教授、吴荣祖教授、刘方柏教授、吴雄志教授、黄仕沛教授、经方大师倪海厦学术传人李宗恩教授(美国)、太阳堂汉药局木下顺一朗教授(日本)。